Why Haridra (Turmeric) Should Be Your Go-To Remedy for Better Health
Haridra is known as turmeric or Haldi and scientifically called Curcuma longa. Its bright yellow-orange root is a spice for cooking as well as a therapeutic treasure equipped with several benefits including easing body aches and helping in managing conditions like diabetes.
One notable aspect of Haridra is its ability to relieve pain as well as inflammation. It is often mixed with warm milk or applied as a paste in the painful areas. Turmeric is also beneficial for the skin due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Its antibacterial properties work wonders on acne and dark spots. Applying a paste of turmeric and milk can be a simple yet effective solution for those who are looking to brighten their skin or treat pigmentation.
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Another significant benefit of Haridra is its positive impact on diabetes. Consuming turmeric with amla or in the form of a juice or powder can help in managing diabetes naturally. It can be inhaled through the fumes of burning fresh turmeric roots or taken in powder form to support respiratory health.
Turmeric also plays a vital role in boosting iron absorption and this is helpful for people who are dealing with anemia. Mixing it with other herbs like Triphala and consuming it with ghee and honey can improve iron levels and support overall health. A simple turmeric decoction can cleanse wounds, speed up healing and prevent bacterial growth.
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Haridra has countless benefits and it is important to use in moderation form. Excessive consumption can lead to side effects like yellowing of the skin, stomach discomfort or even increased body heat. It is important to use turmeric responsibly and consult a healthcare provider if necessary.