Let’s Tackle Plastic Together: DMC’s New Plan for World Environment Day

Let’s Tackle Plastic Together: DMC’s New Plan for World Environment Day

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and join hands for a greener, cleaner Dimapur. The Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) is all set to kickstart a brand new initiative this World Environment Day, and they’re calling all citizens to join the fight against plastic pollution.

In partnership with Swachh Bharat Mission Urban (SBM-U), DMC is launching a special campaign focused on managing plastic waste, especially those pesky single-use plastics and multi-layered plastics that are choking our environment.

Well, DMC Administrator W Manpai Phom spilled the beans in a recent announcement. They’re starting off with a friendly competition among neighborhoods to see who can collect the most clean plastic. Think of it as a cleanup race!

Starting from May 20, 2024, all you gotta do is store your plastic waste separately for two weeks. Keep ’em clean and dry, okay? Then, on June 1, 2024, DMC will swing by to collect your stash.

Now, here’s the scoop: they’re looking for two types of plastic – recyclable ones and those single-use or multi-layered troublemakers. The collected plastics will be used in a cool way – as RDF material at cement kilns, helping us get rid of them in an eco-friendly manner. Go, team!

But wait, there’s more! DMC is making this a neighborhood showdown. They’ve divided Dimapur into zones, and each area will compete to be the plastic-collecting champ. Check out which wards are in the running:

  • Ward 1, 10, 21
  • Ward 2, 3, 4, 22
  • Ward 5, 6, 8, 20
  • Ward 9, 13, 15, 18
  • Ward 11, 12, 14
  • Ward 7, 16, 17, 19, 23

Stay tuned for more details on how you and your neighborhood can get involved. Let’s show Mother Earth some love this World Environment Day and make Dimapur shine brighter than ever!


Q: What is DMC’s Plastic Management Initiative all about?

A: DMC’s Plastic Management Initiative is a special campaign launched in collaboration with Swachh Bharat Mission Urban (SBM-U) to tackle plastic pollution in Dimapur. It aims to encourage citizens to collect and separate clean plastics, especially single-use and multi-layered ones, for proper disposal and recycling.

Q: When does the initiative start and how long does it last?

A: The initiative starts on May 20, 2024, and runs for two weeks until June 1, 2024.

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Q: What types of plastics should citizens collect?

A: Citizens are encouraged to collect two types of plastics: recyclable plastics and single-use or multi-layered plastics (SUPs/MLPs).

Q: How should citizens store their collected plastics?

A: Citizens should store their collected plastics separately, keeping them clean and dry for two weeks until the DMC collects them on June 1, 2024.

Q: What happens to the collected plastics?

A: The collected plastics will be used as RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) material at cement kilns, helping to dispose of them in an eco-friendly manner.

Q: How is the initiative organized in terms of competition?

A: The initiative is organized as a competition among neighborhoods. Dimapur is divided into zones, and each area competes to collect the most plastic. The wards participating in the competition are listed in the announcement.

Q: How can citizens and neighborhoods get involved?

A: Citizens and neighborhoods can get involved by actively participating in the collection of clean plastics, organizing collection efforts, and spreading awareness about the initiative within their communities. Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved!

Q: Why is it important to separate recyclable plastics from single-use or multi-layered plastics?

A: Separating recyclable plastics from single-use or multi-layered plastics helps streamline the recycling process. Recyclable plastics can be processed more efficiently, while single-use or multi-layered plastics require special handling due to their environmental impact.

Q: Will there be any rewards or recognition for neighborhoods that collect the most plastic?

A: While specific details about rewards or recognition are not provided in the announcement, participating neighborhoods may receive acknowledgment for their efforts in contributing to a cleaner environment. Contact your local DMC office for more information on potential incentives.

Q: How can individuals contribute to reducing plastic pollution beyond this initiative?

A: Individuals can contribute to reducing plastic pollution by adopting sustainable habits such as using reusable bags, bottles, and containers, avoiding single-use plastics whenever possible, properly disposing of plastic waste, and supporting initiatives aimed at reducing plastic usage and promoting recycling.

Q: Will there be any educational or awareness programs associated with the initiative?

A: While not explicitly mentioned in the announcement, educational and awareness programs are common components of environmental initiatives. Citizens can expect DMC to provide information and resources to raise awareness about plastic pollution and the importance of proper waste management practices.

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Q: How can citizens stay updated on the progress of the initiative and upcoming events?

A: Citizens can stay updated on the progress of the initiative and upcoming events by following official announcements from DMC, checking local news outlets for updates, and engaging with community organizations involved in environmental initiatives. Additionally, DMC may provide updates through social media channels or community newsletters.

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