Main Elements of a Workout Session

Main Elements of a Workout Session

Most gym users don’t realise there are five elements that make up a healthy gym training session. Most users often skip proper warm ups, cool downs and stretching due to time constraints or tiredness.

Warm Up

Upon entering a gym the user should prepare his body for exercise by warming up gradually. The warm up should be completed on a piece of cardio equipment, for example a treadmill, cross trainer, rowing machine or an exercise bike. Depending on the fitness of the individual, a warm up should take between seven and 10 minutes.

Pre-exercise Stretch

Pre-exercise stretches should be performed after a warm up before the individual moves onto his main workout. The individual should perform static stretches holding each stretch for up to eight seconds.

Main Workout

The main workout should consist of both cardio training and resistance training. Individuals should consult their gym instructor who will be able to suggest a programme that will help them achieve their goals. Remember people go to the gym for many different reasons. Some are there to improve their fitness, bulk up or rehabilitate after an injury or accident while others simply want to lose or gain weight. Because of this one gym programme is not suitable for everyone.

There are various methods of cardio training. Most people choose continuous heart rate training but others choose to mix their sessions using intervals or fartlek training. Resistance training should also form part of the main workout. Many women dislike using weights as they worry about bulking up. Choosing a light weight and completing a high level of repetitions (for example, three sets of 12 repetitions) will actually have a toning effect and can also help the body burn fat.

Cool Down

The cool down can be completed as an extension of the main workout or the individual can swap machines and complete a separate cool down. The main purpose of a cool down is to gradually reduce the heart rate and the body temperature. Cooling down properly will prevent the blood from pooling in large muscle groups which can cause dizziness, fainting and nausea. A good cool down should last between seven and 10 minutes depending on the fitness of the individual.

Post-workout Stretch

On completion of the cool down a post-workout stretch should be completed. If the individual wishes to improve their flexibility this is the perfect time to perform developmental stretches as the muscles will be warm and less vulnerable to damage.

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