Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

There are several things people can do to lose weight without dieting. A lot of diets promise people they will lose weight by restricting foods; however, people do not necessarily have to starve to lose weight. By changing a few habits, most people can lose weight and keep it off permanently.

Lose Weight Without Dieting by Eating Breakfast

Many people skip breakfast thinking it will save calories; however, according to WebMD, most people who skip breakfast end up eating even more calories later in the day. WebMD states that studies show people who eat breakfast in the morning have lower BMIs (body mass Index) than people who do not eat breakfast.

People should also make sure to include lean protein in their breakfast. Eating protein in the morning helps people feel more full until the afternoon and feeling less likely to consume extra calories during lunch. Good choices for breakfast are whole grains along with protein foods like eggs, nuts, low-fat yogurt and lean meats.

Lose Weight Without Dieting by Watching Liquid Calories

Most people do not realize that all the liquid calories they drink are adding pounds yet not making them feel satiated. Things like sweetened sodas, fancy coffee drinks, many juices and alcohol contain a lot of sugar and calories. By replacing these drinks with water, most people will consume fewer calories every day and lose weight.

Other alternatives to high-calorie drinks besides water are low-calorie vegetable juice, low-fat milk, green tea and sparkling water. People who drink alcohol daily should consider restricting their consumption of liquor to just a few days a week or consider just drinking on the weekends.

Eat Smaller Portions to Lose Weight Without Dieting

As portion sizes are increasing, so are the waistlines of most people. By making it a point not to finish a whole meal, most people will easily lose weight without dieting. At home, people should replaces their dishes with smaller tableware items. Smaller plates, cups and bowls will also make food portions appear larger.

When eating out, people can avoid ordering a main dish and order an appetizer instead. Appetizers are usually smaller and contain fewer calories than most main dishes at restaurants. People can also order a small dinner salad with dressing on the side along with an appetizer. By dipping the fork in the dressing and then collecting vegetables from the salad, it is possible to consume less salad dressing.

Lose Weight Without Dieting by Increasing Metabolism

Since muscle burns more calories than fat, many people can lose weight without dieting by increasing their metabolic rate. According to WebMD, every pound of muscle burns approximately six calories a day to sustain itself; fat burns only two calories a day. People who lift weights and build muscle have a higher metabolic rate and burn more calories all throughout the day.

Dehydration also tends to slow down a person’s metabolic rate. To stay hydrated and burn more calories, people should drink a glass a water before each meal or snack. People who drink water on ice will rev up their metabolism even further since the body burns more calories to regulate cold liquid. Eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day keeps the metabolism in high gear burning more calories. By adding protein to each meal, a person can also increase her metabolism. According to WebMD, the body uses twice as many calories to burn protein compared to carbohydrates.

Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

By eating breakfast, watching liquid calories, eating smaller portions and increasing metabolism, people can easily lose weight without dieting.

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